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Melamine Issue Information

Many families have been concerned for their children waiting in China for adoption, and wonder whether children they have already brought home are affected by the melamine contamination found in some brands of formula. The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) has posted information on their website which can help you whether you need to have your child evaluated by your pediatrician.  Follow this link to read more:   http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/contentMelamineChina.aspx

Love Without Boundaries has posted some information on their blog that may be of interest.  They state that the contamination is thought to go back to 2006, so any child adopted between 2006 and the present, should have their children evaluated by a physician.  Go to their blog to read more.


 Also, some concerned adoptive parents have started a Yahoo group so families can share information with each other regarding testing, and the results.  The following link will take you to the sign-up page for this group: China Milk Issue.  This group contains posts from families that have had their children tested, what tests were run, and what their doctors shared with them. 
