Travel during low season and avoid summer heat and bustling crowds. You can schedule your Thanksgiving holiday in your child's home province. On this tour you also get to enjoy traditional dumpling meal with local rural family as well as see the key sites in Beijing, Xian and Chengdu. It's a great "all in one" tour that you can tailor to your family's wishes!
Make this the most memorable Christmas break EVER for your family. Celebrate the holiday in a typical middle class Chinese apartment. And, visit the Great Wall, hug a panda and see all the key sites of China during this school break! Travel is a wonderful gift!
Séjour éstendu – Guilin
Aimeriez-vous vivre dans un appartement chinois pendant un mois? Vous pourrez pratiquer votre mandarin et profiter de l'authentique culture chinoise tout en vivant parmi les gens locaux! Expérimentez une "famille d'accueil chinoise", connectez vous à leur vie quotidienne. Cliquez (ici) pour plus de détails.