Lotus Connections
As the Vice President of Lotus Travel, Lea describes her personal experience and observations while living as a Chinese woman in America.
Lea shares an overview of unique aspects of Chinese traditions and what you should know before visiting. It is helpful to understand beliefs so you can prepare yourself and children for your visit.
As a woman who lives and moves smoothly among two cultures with often very differing perspectives, it is helpful to learn some of each. Read Lea's overview of these distinctions, and gain some insight as your family lives and moves among the East and Western cultures.
As the President of Lotus Travel and with his experience in the travel industry for over 20 years, Louie Yi presents his tips and words of wisdom to families seeking planning and in-country travel advice.
Have you ever wondered what you should do when in terms of preparing for a homeland trip? Read here for detailed information on the "one year before countdown" that can guide you and your family for a smooth journey of planning in your pre-trip preparations. Ready? 12 months, 11 months, 10 months...here you go!Our Homeland Heritage Tour Program Director, Iris Culp, goes into detail of what to do when planning a homeland heritage tour. This informative article is also a countdown from one year prior to your trip of what you and your family can do to prepare for this milestone life journey.
Listen in as Lea, experienced international traveler, co-owner of Lotus Travel, and mom to three young children, shares her top ten items for traveling with young children.
If you've seen the main tourist sites, but you're looking for something beyond the ordinary spots in China, read Louie Yi's inside tips. As as experienced itinerary planner with more than twenty years of insights, learn his best spots to see for an "off the beaten path" experience in China.
Read about ethnic identity and its connection to a strong self-esteem in children.
Are you concerned about what the best time is to take your child(ren) on a trip to their birth country? Listen in as expert, child psychologist and adult adoptee, shares professional perspective on this all important topic.
How do you know when your child is ready for a homeland visit? How should one prepare? Dr. Rebecca Nelson, adult adoptee, and child psychologist explores this important topic and shares professional wisdom and personal insights on this key consideration.
Once your child is home and your home is established and settled, how and when do you discuss the topic of adoption? Dr. Nelson gives professional insight to this topic relevant for all adoptive families.
Once you've decided to take a homeland tour, check out this list of practical, fun recommendations of how to engage and prepare yourself and your family for this trip with lifetime memories.
Look here for a current listing of orphanage addresses.
Read about some practical suggestions on preparing to visit an orphanage.
Read about the program that "gives back" to children who remain in China.
Amy Eldridge, founder of Love Without Boundaries, shares her experienced insights about visiting an orphanage.